What is the Best Vacuum For Cleaning Pianos?


Metro Vacuum VNB-83BA Vac N’Blo Auto Vac for Cleaning Pianos and Dusting Piano Soundboards

A portable blower / vacuum is a must-have tool for piano technicians. Obviously, we want the most power and versatility we can get, but it also needs to be lightweight and compact. After doing some research, I decided to try this 4hp Metro canister vacuum a few months ago, and I’ll never go back to using anything else:

Metropolitan Vac ‘N’ Blo Compact Vacuum

Metro Blower Vac

This blower / vac has much more power than any regular “home” vacuum I’ve ever used with a hose attachment (including my Dyson). The Metro Vac is designed for car detailing, but it’s great for cleaning pianos. The shoulder strap makes it convenient to carry around for shop work, etc. To turn it into a blower, just attach the hose to the opposite end of the vacuum, and blow dust and hammer shaping debris out of piano actions, or use it on shop floor sawdust.

This vacuum comes with all the standard extensions and attachements, plus a variable-power (bypass) nozzle and attachments for cleaning computers and other small items. I find that a standard duffel bag works great for transporting the vacuum and attachments.

The best part of this vac is the sheer power it has, but I’m equally impressed with how easy it is to clean by unlatching the end of the canister to empty the filter insert that collects all the dust.

Grand piano soundboards are also easy to clean and dust by using this vacuum in combination with a Soundboard Duster, which is inserted under the strings to collect dust. Simply vacuum the dust from the Soundboard Duster between each pass.

Metro Vacuum Specs